New to multifamily? Here’s what you need to know

Whether you’re new to multifamily or old to multifamily but new to marketing, here’s what you should consider when embarking on your first marketing strategy.

1. Website

First things first–you’ll need a great website. A website is the most crucial element of your marketing strategy. Most of your marketing tactics and overall approach will always circle back to your website. What makes a website great is its effectiveness; so, when landing on a web designer, you’ll want to ensure that they are well-versed in multifamily marketing as well as the latest website technologies and standards. You’ll also want to ensure your site is responsive, page loading times are quick, layouts are simple and easy to navigate, and your content is strategic and brief but informative.

2. Google My Business

Launching a Google My Business profile is one of the most highly missed marketing opportunities for multifamily properties. It’s a free tool that allows you the ability to showcase brief details of your property, respond to reviews, create posts and offers, and, most importantly, gain increased visibility across Google. To truly reap all of the benefits of a Google My Business profile, you’ll want to optimize it. You can do this by completing all of the available fields, incorporating relevant keywords, where applicable, to improve your rankings in local results; maintaining quality information; and staying active by responding to questions and feedback as they populate.    

3. Search engine optimization

SEO is important for website visibility, traffic, building trust/credibility, and conversions. It is one of the more cost-effective and practical strategies to reach customers during the prime moments of their online search. SEO involves a combination of the inclusion of keywords, backlinks, and content creation. Your prospects will incorporate certain words in their quest to locate different properties. If your website content contains these words and phrases, you’ll likely increase your chances of appearing in a top position within the search engine results. Likewise, your content is what helps your keywords shine and must strike a balance between human appeal and analytics to create an impactful digital presence. Last, backlink building involves linking to other highly credible websites to improve credibility and establish authority. Though, this particular tactic should be implemented strategically and ethically to avoid potential issues. 

4. Google Ads

Google Ads is also great for increasing visibility and improving leads among qualified prospects. In fact, many consider it to be the gold standard of online marketing. Though a paid medium, the advertising tool helps you market your property to the right people at the right time. You’re able to target your ads only to reach those who match your target, cater costs to your budget, and even tweak your campaigns as often as you’d like to create maximum results.  

5. Reputation management

One primary key to maintaining your success is sustaining a positive reputation. This means you’ll need an official reputation management strategy in place. Doing things like responding to Google reviews, keeping up to date with emails and voicemails, and promptly resolving maintenance requests should all be critical pieces of your strategy.


Rentbot can help.

This is an exciting time in your multifamily journey. If you need help getting started with your marketing strategy, we’re here to help. At Rentbot, we design websites for multifamily properties that attract, convert, and retain tenants. Our budget-friendly, turnkey sites offer our customers an efficient, effective and optimized solution that saves you time and money. With mobile-friendly designs, a built-in SEO package, and a conversion-optimized layout already included, you’ll be one step closer to converting your leads into leases without breaking the bank. User-friendly websites do all of the work for you. Learn how ours can too. Sign up for a free 30-day trial here



About the Author

Jonsette Calloway joined the Rentbot team in 2015. With a background in public relations, advertising, and copywriting, she has helped many clients achieve their marketing and communications goals within various fields, but she particularly enjoys working with the apartment industry.